01.07.2024 To 10.07.2024 – Handing over responsibilities to the new Office Bearers
06.07.2024 – Executive Committee Meeting
07.07.2024 – Children’s Council Meeting
13.07.2024 – A Day in Bus Library – Melavasal 2
14.07.2024 – Service Programme
17.07.2024 – Understanding Children Movement – Part I – Executive Committee Meeting
21.07.2024 – Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
21.07.2024 – Image Media Club
19.07.2024 – Meeting with Centres in – Charge
21.07.2024 – Monthly Meeting
28.07.2024 – Welcome Party & Election
About Vidiyal


by / Comments Off / 331 View / August 31, 2013

Vidyal is a program of Sakthi, a registered, secular, non-profit voluntary organization based in Madurai.

Objectives of the children’s council:
• Listening to presentations on Review of actions from each representative, action plan and needs for the next 3 months
• Critiquing those presentations if necessary and providing feedback for improvement
• Taking action if a particular forum, group or team is found dysfunctional or a Head of a forum, group or team found guilty on disciplinary matters
• Sharing information received from various sources
• Selecting representatives to participate in programmes/meetings/ outside the CM
• Arriving at common decisions of the CM and announcing those decisions to the GB members
• Approving proposals, plans made by various forums, groups and teams
• Allocating dates for those plans and preparing a calendar for each quarter
• Developing special, newer programmes for the CM and allocating responsibilities
• Electing members for the EC
• Ratifications of urgent decisions made by the EC
• Commenting and making suggestions on the annual budget of the supporting organisation with special reference to the fund allocation for the CM and child related activities