01.07.2024 To 10.07.2024 – Handing over responsibilities to the new Office Bearers
06.07.2024 – Executive Committee Meeting
07.07.2024 – Children’s Council Meeting
13.07.2024 – A Day in Bus Library – Melavasal 2
14.07.2024 – Service Programme
17.07.2024 – Understanding Children Movement – Part I – Executive Committee Meeting
21.07.2024 – Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
21.07.2024 – Image Media Club
19.07.2024 – Meeting with Centres in – Charge
21.07.2024 – Monthly Meeting
28.07.2024 – Welcome Party & Election



What Vidiyal means to me
I love Vidiyal – K.Mareesh
I love Vidiyal so much – K.Mathesh, R.Jeyarani
Vidiyal is a happy place – S.Dharshini
Vidiyal is my friend; I have found goodness there – A.Sophia
Vidiyal is a violence free place; our volunteers are kind while teaching – A.Manjula
Vidiyal is my family – P. Nisha, S.Surebia
Vidiyal provides us opportunities and models philanthropy which I like the most; I feel very much attached to Vidiyal – C.Sneha
Vidiyal makes me feel safe and secured; I have got many friends among children and staff who make me feel comfortable – M.Senthil Murugan
Vidiyal cares every child coming to Vidiyal which I like the most – M.Yogesh
I enjoy my childhood at Vidiyal – M.Pandi
Vidiyal is my friend; it enables me to learn with dignity – S.Yogavel, M.Arun Muthu
Vidiyal ensures the rights of socially excluded children –P. Kabilan
I have many friends at Vidiyal; I have got trusting relationships at Vidiyal – P.Arthi
I am happy at Vidiyal and I love Vidiyal – P.Jegadheeswaran, G.Rajamoorthi
On my life path I feel secured at Vidiyal – P.Jeeva
I am happy at Vidiyal – S. Madhavan
Vidiyal means a happy place on earth – V.Vijay
I have happy times at Vidiyal – V.Ponnuthai
I like the goodness in Vidiyal – M.Sivaraj
I feel Vidiyal is like a mother who nurtures my potential and mentors me to achieve my goal through appropriate encouragement and reinforcements. Vidiyal enabled me to overcome all kinds of discrimination based on caste – A. Boopathi
Vidiyal is a joyous place on earth – B.Akash
At Vidiyal I am cared well – G.Kalaiselvi
I got so many friends at Vidiyal – M. Saran
I feel happy at Vidiyal – M.Keerthana Devi
I feel secured at Vidiyal – M. Surya Prakash
I am encouraged to study – M. Mahendra Pandi
Vidiyal is a friend in my life – G.Surya Prakash
Vidiyal is an important part in my life – G.Dilip Kumar
At the time of pandemic my parents lost their jobs and Vidiyal helped our family when we were in distress which made me feel very happy – S. Jeyalakshmi
I feel very safe at Vidiyal – M.Sridevi, A.Dhanalakshmi, P.Balamurugan
I am loved at Vidiyal same like I am loved in my family – D.Lakshmikanth
Vidiyal means love; I belong to this loving family called Vidiyal – D. Swanika
I feel contented at Vidiyal; I am well informed of my rights – M. Umadevi
When I am a tree, Vidiyal is my root; when I am a bird Vidiyal is my sky – G.Senthil Murugan
I was short sighted and Vidiyal enabled me to develop a vision for the society – G. Muthulakshmi
Vidiyal is a wonder in my life – G. Muthulakshmi
Vidiyal is an exceptional place for children, which makes my life beautiful – G. Rajapandi
Vidiyal is a joyful place filled with LOVE which ensures a happy childhood for me – K.Gowtham
I like the fact that Vidiyal helps so many children to realize their potential – K.Dhiva
Vidiyal influenced my habits and behaviour and well groomed my personality – K. Madhana Gopal
Vidiyal is a big help in my life – S.Maruthu Pandian
Vidiyal is my second home – K.Janarthanan
Vidiyal is womb to me; I am able to chisel my life through asserting my rights in the journey towards my ambition – M.Sangeetha
Vidiyal taught me life lessons; I shall join hands with Vidiyal in influencing change in the society and I am encouraged to achieve my dream – M.Rohith Sakthi
I have a bonding with Vidiyal and I am loved, cared and provided with opportunity to chisel me – M.Jeyashree
My rights are safeguarded at Vidiyal – S.Ganga
Vidyal is a cheerful place – M.Sivaranjani
Vidiyal encouraged me when I discovered my potential – M.Nivetha
Vidiyal provides me a safe environment to be myself – P.Mahalakshmi
Vidiyal is a friend of children; it’s an opportunity centre for children from socially excluded communities – M.Nishanth
We are a loving family at Vidiyal – P.Rathinapandi
Vidiyal is my friend; it supports me when I am in trouble – S.Jothi
Vidiyal is like a big banyan tree; our friendships are the areal roots – M.Harini
Vidiyal is a gift in my life – M.Janani, G.Surya Moorthi
Vidiyal is an important relationship in my life; it gave me an identity – G.Abi Sakthi
I have many ‘Role Models’ at Vidiyal – A.Karthick
Vidiyal taught me to keep safe; it provides big support to me and my family – S.Pandiselvi
With the support of sponsorship I am enabled to continue my education – M.Nallamani
Vidiyal enabled me to discover my life path and brought so many changes in my life – S.Surya
Vidiyal and people at Vidiyal have to be placed in high esteem because my success has been celebrated as Vidiyal’s. I received guidance for my life and enjoy freedom to choose my career path through enabling me to discover my potential – C.Priya
Vidiyal is a ladder that ensures equity to set right social inequalities; it provided adequate opportunities for children from socially excluded communities to come up in life – S.Latha
I learnt and practiced my rights at Vidiyal. Vidiyal ensures Child Rights in every possible way. In my Vidiyal family I have trusted adults, role-models and mentors – P.Jenifer @ Prema
Vidiyal is part of my family and Vidiyal is my companion both at the time of triumphs and tests – G. Rajeshwari
Vidiyal is a significant part in my life – P.Moorthi
Vidiyal is my second home and it guides me in the right path – A.Chithra Devi
Next to my family I am loved at Vidiyal – M. Muniswaran
Vidiyal is a lighthouse which empowers me to sail with confidence – M.Sivaranjani

Programmes and Activities
I love Jolly camp – S.Meenakshi , T.Yogitha, R.Varalakshmi
I like the pleasure trips – K.Mareesh, M.Sabarinathan, S.Atheeswaran
I enjoy playing at Vidiyal – M.Anbu Selvam , M.Bhuvaneshwari, M.Veeramani
I love the fun activities at Vidiyal – B. Saravanavel, D.Gayathri
At Vidiyal I had the opportunity to visit so many places and learn about those places – P.Gayathri
I gain so much information through the volunteers at Vidiyal – M. Haridass
I love the picnics at Vidiyal – K.Karthikeyan, P.Siva
Vidiyal provides me with appropriate information through interesting programmes and activities – R.Siranjeevi
I love being at the Child Rights Festival at Vidiyal – K.Nandhineeswari
I love the songs taught at Vidiyal – S.Kaleeswari, M.Jotheeswaran, S.Vetrivel
Every day I am provided with nutritional food at Vidiyal – A.Malayarasi
I love playing with my friends at Vidiyal – A.Akilan, S.Mallika, M.Vetrivel Mani
I visited so many places from Vidiyal which widened my horizon – P.Pandiselvi
I like the storytelling sessions at Vidiyal – T.Sabitha, M.Ganesh
At Vidiyal I enjoy learning about my Rights – M. Kalidoss
I like the anniversary celebrations at Vidiyal – M.Pandeeswaran
I love the book reading sessions at Vidiyal – S.Rathinavel Rithish

Skill Development and Education
Only because of Vidiyal I am skilful – S.Meenakshi, M.Pandiselvi
I like the computer class at Vidiyal, I enjoy creative learning – K.Mathesh
I like dancing at Vidiyal; I am able to exhibit my talents – K.Parameshwari
I learnt Reading, Writing and Arithmetic at Vidiyal – K.Manikandan
At Vidiyal I discovered my potential – S.Dharshini
I am given the opportunity to use computer tablets at Vidiyal which is so exciting – M.Abarna
Vidiyal grooms my skills and talents – M.Yogesh
I developed my dancing skills at Vidiyal and I learnt so many games – S.Sakthidevi
I felt encouraged to pursue my education and I am assured that Vidiyal will be with me till I achieve my goal – A. Boopathi
I developed my potential at Vidiyal – B. Rajadurai
I learnt new skills at Vidiyal – B.Vetrivel
I discovered my talents at Vidiyal – M. Siva, M.Chellapandi
Vidiyal is my companion and mentor; I am encouraged to pursue a goal – M.Tamil
I am well informed and my potential is nurtured – M.Rohith Sakthi
I like learning Karate at Vidiyal; I am encouraged with rewards when I skills and talents – S.Murugeswari
I am able to access education with the support of Vidiyal – P.Praveen Kumar
I enjoy participating in the workshops at Vidiyal – S.Atheeswaran

Personality Development
At Vidiyal I learnt to help others – S.Dharshini
I like Vidiyal because it built confidence in me – P. Nisha
Vidiyal provided me the opportunities to discover my leadership potential and I am confident while leading a group – A. Boopathi
The training programmes and workshops at Vidiyal grooms my personality – P.Praveen Kumar
I am acquired many good habits through the child friendly workshops at Vidiyal – P.Kartheeswari
Through participating in workshops at Vidiyal, I am advanced with many good qualities – P.Mathan
Vidiyal enabled me to realize my talents and nurtured my leadership potential – P.Nandheeshwari
Vidiyal enabled me to discover ‘who am I?’ – R.Jeyarani

Child Participation
I like my children’s forum – K.Mareesh
Vidiyal ensures ‘Right to Participation’ of children from marginalized communities – P.Kabilan
At Vidiyal I learnt to question. I was surprised by the fact that even little kids can question the leadership at our Children Movement – B.Abinaya Mahalakshmi
I have life time experiences while participating in various platforms in the state – M. Rohith Sakthi
I felt overjoyed when I expressed my views in the Ripple Circle at Vidiyal and I felt appreciated. I am well informed with the aid of social analysis and political analysis – P.Moorthi