02.01.2025 Training on Helping and Sharing
04.01.2025 Staff and Volunteers New Year Meet
05.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
09.01.2025 Training on Decision Making
11.01. 2025 to 25.01.2025 Children’s Theater Group: Play Production for the 31st Anniversary
11.01.2025 Mothers Meet
11.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
12.01.2025 Fathers Meet
12.01.2025 Children’s Council Meet
14.01.2025 Pongal Celebration
16.01.2025 Service Programme – Children serving at four homes – a home for the elderly, a home for the blind, a home for the mentally challenged and a child care home
16.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
17.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
18.01.2025 A Day in Bus Library – Sirpihal forum – Main Centre
26.01.2025 31stAnniversary of Sakthi – Vidiyal
26.01.2025 Republic Day Celebration


Sakthi – Vidiyal has several milestones in its journey down the years. The following are the significant milestones that we mark with pride.
• 1993 – Established contacts with street children and children in Melavasal slum Registration of
• 1996 – Vidiyal was founded and the first drop in centre was established at D.M & R middle
• 1997- The three fold strategy and Child Rights frame work has been adapted to Vidiyal’s
interventions and Child Participation becomes a cross cutting theme in every sphere of the
• 1998 – First children’s base group – Vaanavil- was founded by working children
• 1999 – Vaanavil became the founding member of National Movement of Working Children (NMWC) –
• 2000 – Vidiyal Child Rights Movement began its journey with federated children forums and
Malarkodi was elected as the first president of the movement.
• 2001- Muhangal (Faces) volunteer forum was founded by children entered college.
• 2003 – Presentation of Alternative Report to the United Nations Committee on the Convention on
the Rights of the Child

The National Movement of Working Children – India organised a children’s consultation in 2003. Madurai Veeran, representing VidiyalVaanavil Working Children forum participated in this consultation, which prepared an alternate report to the Government of India report. At this consultation, the children elected Madurai Veeran and Manjula from BhimaSanga to go to Geneva to represent the movement at the UN Committee on CRC and to present the report.

The Concernedfor Working Children, Bangalore, facilitated the whole process and UNICEF supported their travel and other expenses. During the main session, Madurai Veeran spoke on the issues faced by child labourers. The UN Committee on CRC allotted special time to the two children. Madurai Veeran was very vocal and raised his voice for his fellow working children in India. Mr.Jim Jesudoss accompanied Madurai Veeran and represented Sakthi – Vidiyal at this historic event.



• 2004 – Sakthi – Vidiyal was recognized by Government of Tamilnadu to run the Reception Home for
the children in need of care and protection under the Juvenile Justice Act.
• 2004 – Four of our children S.Manimegalai, Alagar, R.Ramkumar and M. Ranjith Kumar represented
Vidiyal Child Rights Movement at the World Social Forum at Mumbai. Child Rights for World
Social Forum (CR4WSF) an umbrella group of organizations believed in children’s right to
participation and working towards a just society in the context of globalization organized an
event at the WSF themed “When every right for every child another world is possible”. Vidiyal
has been taking active part in the process since its inception in the year 2004 at Mumbai.
M.Ranjith Kumar was elected as one of the panelist in the CR4WSF organized event and spoke for
the right to education of all children.
• In the same year M.Ranjith Kumar and A.Arafat represented Vidiyal Child Rights Movement at the
children’s consultation organized by Child Rights for World Social Forum (CR4WSF) at Bangalore.
M.Ranjith Kumar was one among the four children who were elected to go to Brazil to participate
in the World Social Forum.
• 2005 –Ranjith went to Brazil in January 2005 with three other children from other regions in
India and participated in the 5th World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. He represented
India at the panel organized by CR4WSF. He spoke on behalf of all Indian children and
challenged the present mode of economical development.
• 2005 – Participation in the South Asia – South East Asia Convergence of Working Children. Again
Ranjith Kumar was elected as a representative of the National Movement of Working Children –
India and participated in the convergence of working children at Kathmandu, Nepal with his
counterpart Ms. Aymma from BhimaSanga.

• 2006 – South Asia Field Exchange Program for Promoting Good Practices in Child Domestic Workers
G. Karthiga represented Vidiyal Child Rights Movement in the South Asia Field Exchange program at
September 2006. She spoke on behalf her fellow child domestic workers and raised her voice
against all forms of exploitation of child domestic workers.

• 2006- India Social Forum, New Delhi
Vidiyal has played an active role in the India Social Forum 2006. The Tamil Nadu Children’s
process was co-facilitated by Vidiyal. Ranjitha, a representative of Vidiyal Child Rights
Movement, was elected as a delegate among the 16 representatives from Tamil Nadu. At New Delhi
she was selected as a representative from South India and spoke at the panel ‘Voices and Faces of
Children – Vision’ organized by WSF. She was much appreciated for her command and call for
action. A short film titled ‘Vidiyal’ themed on ‘Another World Is Possible’ was released at this
event in which Vidiyal children participated in developing the ‘story board’ and exhibited their
skills in acting.
• 2006- Sakthi – Vidiyal have become the founding member of the Forum for Promotion of Child
Participation (FPCP) and Vidiyal Child Rights Movement have become the founding member of
Federation of Children Movements for Right to Participation ( FCMRP)
• In the same year Sakthi – Vidiyal was nominated as the secretariat of the Campaign Against Child
Trafficking (CACT).



• 2008 – Children’s Alternate Report – National Process
We got the opportunity of facilitating the CACL – CACT led children’s process of preparing an
children’s alternate report on the status of children’s rights in Tamilnadu. At the national
level the designing of the questionnaire was done by Vidiyal Child Rights Movement and Balsena.
One of our children Master.Bharath Kumar served in the child researchers’ team and got elected
in the core team.
• 2010 – Olirum Muhangal ( Radiant Faces) the alumni forum of Vidiyal was founded
• 2012 January, National Process of preparing the alternate report, held in Mumbai. Bharathkumar
represented Tamilnadu State at this consultation and got selected in the core team that would
interact with the UNCRC committee on behalf of children of India. He continued his journey
till May 2013 at Mumbai where children decided to send two representatives from India.
• Our Executive Director Mr.C.Jim Jesudoss was elected as the Convenor of the Forum for Promotion
of Child participation (FPCP) for a term between 2010 and 2012. He served as a member of the
core team of the Tamilnadu Child Rights Observatory (TNCRO) an initiative of Unicef, Chennai.
• 2012 May, State Level Children’s Consultation for 12th Five Year Plan in Tamilnadu, held at
Thirukalukumdram. Our children Tamilarasi and Sangeetha represented Vidiyal Child Rights
Movement at this historic event. This is historic because the state planning commission has
just opened their ears to the voices of children for the first time in Tamilnadu history.
Tamilarasi was elected as a representative of the delegates and she further had the opportunity
to interact with the staff of planning commission on the last day when they presented their
comment and suggestions to the planning commission. Loganayaki served as a young facilitator at
this consultation.
• 2012, Mr.C.Jim Jesudoss was appointed as the Chairperson of Child Welfare Committee, Madurai
District, by Government of Tamilnadu and served in Judicial Capacity as per the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act. He served for two terms till November 2018.

• 2015, Mr.C.Jim Jesudoss, served in the core team constituted by the Tamilnadu State Commission
for the Protection of Child Rights (TNSCPCR) and worked for the creation of state child policy.

• 2015, Sakthi – Vidiyal has become the founding member of National Forum for Child Participation

its Need and Relevance in the Present Time. Government Arts College, Melur partnered with us in
organizing this conference on the 18th and 19th August 2017. We take pride that Ms.C.Priya,
President of Vidiyal Child Rights Movement was the key note speaker in the session titled
‘Stories as a Child Right’ which was commendable.

• 2018, Silver Jubilee

• Unicef documented 30 stories of Child Protagonists and the life stories of three of our girls
found place in this historic document which was published at the state event CRC 30 held at