01.07.2024 To 10.07.2024 – Handing over responsibilities to the new Office Bearers
06.07.2024 – Executive Committee Meeting
07.07.2024 – Children’s Council Meeting
13.07.2024 – A Day in Bus Library – Melavasal 2
14.07.2024 – Service Programme
17.07.2024 – Understanding Children Movement – Part I – Executive Committee Meeting
21.07.2024 – Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
21.07.2024 – Image Media Club
19.07.2024 – Meeting with Centres in – Charge
21.07.2024 – Monthly Meeting
28.07.2024 – Welcome Party & Election




Childline 1098is aNational, 24 hour, toll free emergency phone outreach service for children in need of care and protection.

It is a project of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, for which Sakthi -Vidiyal is the collaborative organization in Madurai.This initiative, information regarding Childline services and intervention reach thousands of children living in vulnerable situations. Sakthi – Vidiyal works with the Madurai district administration and other allied departments of the government in effective rescue and rehabilitation.



We have become the collaborative organization in March 2012 and achieved the following
 1st March 2012 – Ten , Nine, Eight (1098) phone started ringing at our Childline centre
2012 – 2013
 Constituted Childline Advisory Board (CAB) of which the District Collector is the Chairperson
 Developed a training module on Child Rights and Child Protection
 Anchored the sensitization programmes organized by the district administration and reached 596 persons from allied departments
 Anchored and facilitated the Training of Trainers (TOT) and developed 57 Master trainers as “Child Rights Protectors” in Madurai district
 Facilitated two workshops for Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTE)
2013 – 2014
 Produced a video song on Childline and Child Protection
 Conducted a press meet addressed by the District Collector
 Conducted two Childline Advisory Board (CAB) meetings and received orders for various programmes and interventions
 Conducted a training programme for the designated Child Welfare Officers of all city police stations on child protection issues and role of police

2012 – 2022
 Completed a decade of successfully engaging with children in distress

Calls and Interventions March 2012 – March 2020

Total number of calls – 15,608

Medical Help – 152
Shelter – 628
Restoration – 270
Verbal Abuse – 62
Physical Abuse – 491
Corporal Punishments – 136
Sexual Abuse – 104
Eve Teasing – 35
Drug Abuse 46
Child Labour – 428
School dropout – 86
Bonded Labour – 1
Run away – 289
Missing Child – 259
Child Marriage – 1404
Child Begging – 480
Child Trafficking – 11
Child Selling – 2
Parents asking help – 294
Counselling – 335
Emotional Support & Guidance – 374
Sponsorship – 5
Relief kit help – 88
Covid Relief Kit – 7
Covid Scheme – 30
Illegal adoption – 1
ICDS related issue – 7
Family Issue – 80
Surrendered child – 1
Unclassified – 736
Could not find – 250 flyer
Referred to other Childline- 54
Other interventions – 2



Awareness Programme on Child Protection 2012 – 2014

Type of Awareness programme Number of programmes Number of participants
Awareness programmes in schools 249 58,917
Public awareness 29 4,993
Open Houses 27 1,750

How can you help CHILDLINE
Just dial 1098 (Ten Nine Eight) the easy to remember telephone number and report the emergency or the child’s need. Childline has a team of trained staff and volunteers who will reach you in minimum time.
You can be a volunteer of Childline, wherever you are, whatever occupation you have, you just locate a child in distress and call Ten… nine…. Eight
Just remember to Call 1098


Just remember to Call 1098