02.01.2025 Training on Helping and Sharing
04.01.2025 Staff and Volunteers New Year Meet
05.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
09.01.2025 Training on Decision Making
11.01. 2025 to 25.01.2025 Children’s Theater Group: Play Production for the 31st Anniversary
11.01.2025 Mothers Meet
11.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
12.01.2025 Fathers Meet
12.01.2025 Children’s Council Meet
14.01.2025 Pongal Celebration
16.01.2025 Service Programme – Children serving at four homes – a home for the elderly, a home for the blind, a home for the mentally challenged and a child care home
16.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
17.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
18.01.2025 A Day in Bus Library – Sirpihal forum – Main Centre
26.01.2025 31stAnniversary of Sakthi – Vidiyal
26.01.2025 Republic Day Celebration

Reception Home


Recognition under the Juvenile Justice system

In the year 2004, Sakthi – Vidiyal was recognized under section 37 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2000 to run the Reception Home to house children in need of care and protection. This home has a capacity for 37 children. Boys and girls are housed in separate campuses.

This was an honour as well a wonderful opportunity to serve those children coming under the purview of Juvenile Justice System in India. Street children, vagabonds, runaway children, missing children, begging children, and abandoned children are brought to us for care and protection. Children from varied vulnerable backgrounds were sent to us by Police, Childline, various courts including the Madras High Court (Madurai Bench) and the Madurai district administration for care and protection. Mentally retarded children who are thrown on the streets and infants with special needs are also admitted for specialised care. These children are placed in our reception home only by an order from the Child Welfare Committee.

The Child Welfare Committee functions in our premises and initiates the process of rehabilitation for the children brought under the Juvenile Justice system. We do an assessment of the needs of these children; provide them with basic needs and counselling immediately after admitting them in the home. A probation officer is appointed by the Government who attempts to trace their backgrounds and whereabouts and a rehabilitation plan is made for each child. A few children are reunited with their families whereas some children go into institutional care for long term rehabilitation. These children are given extra care since their traumatic experiences haunt them at times. Up to March 2020 we have done 2695 home placements (Boys 1403 and Girls 1292) and 600 institutional placements (Boys 329 and Girls 271).

Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS):
The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a flagship programme of Government of India. The Reception Home enjoys the patronage under the ICPS. It is recognised as an important stakeholder in the safety net ensuring protection for children. A team of professionals including home superintendent, child welfare officer, house parents and counseller are appointed under the ICPS. Dr. Sharmila Jim works very closely with the children living in our reception home and ensures them a professional care.

Welcome Kit:
When a child is admitted in the Reception Home we provide him or her with a welcome kit. This welcome kit contains basic necessities for a child which is also gender specific. A welcome kit brings positive impact in the wellbeing of the child. A street child or a runaway child just holds on to the welcome kit as it gives him or her sense of belonging. Children also get excited to see the variety of things kept in the welcome kit.

Child Care Standards:
In the Reception Home, child care standards are maintained. Children lead a happy life with caring adults around them. The quality of food is always ensured for the children. A balanced diet is planned for them which include fish, meat, chicken, eggs, pulses, millets, fruits, vegetables and rice. A variety of items are provided with tasty curries which the children like the most. We strongly believe that food is one of the basic rights of every child and children take part in making informed decisions regarding food. The quality and quantity intake is monitored and ensured that the children are under a healthier diet. Children live in dormitories which are properly ventilated. The developmental needs of children are given importance and attended. A protective living environment is ensured with adequate opportunities for leisure and recreation.

Children’s forum:
A forum for children is created and they are encouraged to participate in various activities of the forum. Children have named this forum as ‘Natchathrangal’ which exactly means the stars. Children elect their leaders on rotation and plan their activities. In the weekly meetings they share their concerns and needs which are addressed immediately.

A Meaningful Routine:
A routine is followed in the home which gives the children meaning in life. In the mornings they have choices for physical activity which includes, keep fit exercises, throw ball coaching, Karate coaching, Yoga and free play which enable the children to physically exert and relax. After breakfast they have options including Music class, Computer class and Tailoring class and Literacy class. In the afternoons they have counselling sessions. In the evenings again they have team games and free play for two hours. After 6.00 pm children watch television and then go for dinner. Children do take part in organizing programmes and celebrations during weekends and on special occasions.

Token Economy:
At Vidiyal violence and corporal punishments are totally prohibited and the staff and volunteers cannot use violence as a means to discipline. Alternative discipline techniques are used to enforce discipline in children. Token economy is one such technique which motivates children to adhere to self discipline to achieve appreciation and gifts. Children are divided in to three groups and they are given points for good and responsible behaviour. At the end of each month each team is given chocolates for the points they have scored. This delayed gratification technique enables children to focus on small steps to reach a goal. It also shapes their behaviour and makes them responsible in fulfilling their routine tasks including keeping their dormitories clean, personal hygiene and maintain social etiquettes. Bullying and violence is totally forbidden among children and cordial living environment is promoted through positive reinforcements.

Most of the children coming to the reception home are with heightened emotions and impulsive behaviour. A professional counseller sits for individual counselling sessions and enables children to think and decide positively for themselves. Group counselling sessions conducted in the afternoons which are always popular at the Sakthi – Vidiyal reception home as the counseller uses novel ideas and participatory activities to kindle the thinking process.

Home Management Committee:
The Home Management Committee is constituted which is headed by the District Child Protection Officer (DCPO). This committee meets periodically and discusses the functioning of the home and welfare of children. Constructive suggestions are provided for improvement.

Case Studies:
A girl child named Ariana Costa (name changed to protect identity), aged 5, from Mexico was admitted in the Reception Home for care and protection. This was the first time we provided specialized care to a foreign national girl. It brought us great experience of working with police, media, Mexican embassy and other interested parties. She was handed over to Ms. Monica Moreno (name changed to protect identity), her paternal grandmother through the high court order.
Rojamani (name changed to protect identity), a 16 years old girl became pregnant because of incest. Her cousin sexually abused her and threatened her with dire consequences. Her mother noticed this at the 7th month and took her to the government hospital to abort the baby. Childline team rescued her and the Child Welfare Committee placed her in Sakthi – Vidiyal Shelter home (Reception Home) for care and protection. In the Reception home she was provided with specialized care along with trauma counselling support. Later she delivered a baby and surrendered the baby before the Child Welfare Committee for adoption. Now she is placed in a Child Care Institution for long term care and continues her education.