02.01.2025 Training on Helping and Sharing
04.01.2025 Staff and Volunteers New Year Meet
05.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
09.01.2025 Training on Decision Making
11.01. 2025 to 25.01.2025 Children’s Theater Group: Play Production for the 31st Anniversary
11.01.2025 Mothers Meet
11.01.2025 Tamil Forum at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
12.01.2025 Fathers Meet
12.01.2025 Children’s Council Meet
14.01.2025 Pongal Celebration
16.01.2025 Service Programme – Children serving at four homes – a home for the elderly, a home for the blind, a home for the mentally challenged and a child care home
16.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Samanatham, Keelakuyilkudi and Thethankulam, Perunkudi, Nilaiyur and Soundarapandian Nagar)
17.01.2025 Training on Street Theatre at 6 Centres (Anupanadi, Mottamalai, Malaisamypuram, Valayankulam, Thanakkankulam and Dr.Kabir Nagar)
18.01.2025 A Day in Bus Library – Sirpihal forum – Main Centre
26.01.2025 31stAnniversary of Sakthi – Vidiyal
26.01.2025 Republic Day Celebration



Research Studies
Being an organization committed for the cause of children, Vidiyal has been conducting research studies on specific topics based on the need. Interns are provided with the opportunity to undertake short term research studies with the support of our staff and volunteers. The findings of a research are always useful in designing our intervention to resolve a particular issue.
In our journey down the years we have encountered with suicidal attempts by three children which led to the conduction of a study on “suicidal tendencies in slums”.

The strategies for preventing child marriages in our communities were anchored on the findings of a study on “Child marriages in Madurai slums”.
A study on ‘Life effectiveness’ of Arunthathiyar living in Theni district was conducted in the year 2008 for Arogya Agam by our President Dr.Sujatha Rita and Executive Director Mr.C.Jim Jesudoss
In the same year another study on ‘Community Perspectives on Discriminatory Practices against Arunthathiyar community’ was conducted in Theni district by our team This enabled Arogya Agam, a voluntary organization in Theni district in designing their ‘Social Inclusion’ programme for the upliftment of Arunthathiyar community.
Following the success of the previous studies for Arogya Agam, a voluntary organization in Theni district, in 2009 a study on ‘Community Perspectives on Discriminatory Practices against Dalits’ was conducted in Cuddalore district by Dr.Sujatha Rita and Mr.C.Jim Jesudoss for Arogya Agam


In 2013 we undertook the “District Need Assessment of Child Protection of Madurai District” for the Department of Social Defence, Government of Tamilnadu and worked with a range of stakeholders including, children, children with special needs, parents, officials from various allied departments, teachers, police, media, NGOs, authorities of children homes etc., We were very much appreciated for the findings and the suggestions made. We have also developed a Resource Directory as part of the assessment. This study is going to be the referral document for the future plans under the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) of Government of India.