07.09.2024 Brainstorming for 5-day Residential Camp
08.09.2024 Picnics & Outings – Historical Places Beginner – Thenparankundram Primary – Alagarkovil Junior – Yanaimalai Intermediate – Trichy Rock Fort Senior – Sithannavasal Caves
14.09.2024 Mothers Meet
14.09.2024 Executive Committee Meeting
14.09.2024 A day in Bus Library – Avaniyapuram Centre – 1
15.09.2024 Motivational Programme by Olirum Muhangal – Alumni Forum
16.09.2024 Thoorihai – Drawing and Painting Forum
21.09.2024 Executive Committee Meeting
22.09.2024 Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
22.09.2024 Image Media Club
29.09.2024 to 30.09.2024 Annual Residential Camp at Cumbum Valley
New Dawn IndiaGroup


by / Comments Off / 378 View / April 30, 2013

Our Partners in Development – NewDawn India UK


Who are NewDawn India?

We are a Christian Charitable Trust in East Anglia, UK, Registered Charity Number 1001535.

Website: We work in co-operation with Sakthi-Vidiyal, to raise funds to support the work of the Vidiyal programme.We chose the name NewDawn in line with the meaning of Vidiyal in Tamil.


We comprise of six Trustees:Neville Cooper, Emma Bowyer, Sandra Davies,Elaine Gotts, Brenda Sturgeon and Sally Wells; and a close band of supporters who are involved in fund raising activities.


NewDawn India was founded as a Trust in 1990,by Mr. Neville Cooper,after he met Dr. Jim Jesudoss and wished to supporthim in his vision to work with marginalised street and slum children in South India. NewDawn India has therefore been involved in supporting Vidiyal since its inception and we have beenhonoured to be welcomed as part of the Vidiyal family. Over the years we have developed a close relationship with Dr. Jesudoss and his staff and a deeper understanding of their work with children and families in the slum communities of Madurai. The work of Vidiyal has successfully expanded in so many ways. It is a privilege to follow the progress of thechildren who are working so hard and achieving so much with the help of the Vidiyal programme. We are particularly impressed by Vidiyal’s work to build confidence and participation skills in the children, leading to high achievements in education, careers and through their involvement in the Child Rights movement.


How we support the work of Sakthi Vidiyal:-


  • Sponsorship scheme – Many of the children attending Vidiyal centres are sponsored by our supporters. This pays for children’s school books and uniforms, but the most important part is that individual sponsors in England exchange letters with their sponsor children (facilitated within recognised safeguarding procedures). This personal contact means a great deal to the children and their sponsors; for example, the children can share about the challenges they face in attending school as well as their everyday thoughts and experiences, and the sponsors can encourage them and congratulate them on their achievements.


  • Donations - We receive donations from members of the public who may not be able to sponsor a child, but choose to regularly donate towards the work of Vidiyal.


  • Fundraising events –These include curry evenings, coffee mornings, sales, concerts, quizzes, dances, garden lunches and online fundraising.


  • Talks – some of our Trustees and supporters enjoy giving talks and presentations about the work of Vidiyal. This also raises awareness of Vidiyal’s pioneering work for Child Rights, which is central to the Vidiyal campaign.


  • Costs – our UK administration costs are minimal as the Trustees and team work voluntarily. We can therefore assure supporters that every penny they give is used for the benefit of the children and families being assisted by Vidiyal.


  • Newsletters – We produce regular newsletters to keep everybody up to date with the news we receive from Vidiyal. These also inform people of events we are organising here in the UK.


Comments from two of our supporters:-

If you are looking to support a charity where you can be involved directly and transform lives today and for the future, this is the one for you!Emma Bowyer

Having now seen at first hand the incredible work that Jim and the Vidiyal team are doing, the importance of sponsorship was really brought home to me.  It provides the most deprived children in Indian society with the education, pastoral care and practical support they need to achieve their full potential, improve their lives and build a secure and happy future.Liz Boughton