01.07.2024 To 10.07.2024 – Handing over responsibilities to the new Office Bearers
06.07.2024 – Executive Committee Meeting
07.07.2024 – Children’s Council Meeting
13.07.2024 – A Day in Bus Library – Melavasal 2
14.07.2024 – Service Programme
17.07.2024 – Understanding Children Movement – Part I – Executive Committee Meeting
21.07.2024 – Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
21.07.2024 – Image Media Club
19.07.2024 – Meeting with Centres in – Charge
21.07.2024 – Monthly Meeting
28.07.2024 – Welcome Party & Election


by / Comments Off / 587 View / August 20, 2013

Childline 1098, is a National, 24 hour, toll free emergency phone outreach service for children.

Many of the children attending the Vidiyal Centre are sponsored by our adult supporters, who love to communicate with them through letters and photographs and to follow their progress. Mr. Jim Jesudoss sends us profiles of the children needing sponsors and Sandra Davies coordinates the linking of sponsors and children together. Sponsors receive letters from their sponsored children, along with up-to-date photographs.
Other supporters make regular donations to support the work at Vidiyal, while not sponsoring a particular child.
We run all sorts of events and activities to raise funds for the work of Vidiyal, including meals, coffee mornings, music evenings, dances, talks, food tasting sessions etc.
Some of our Trustees and supporters give talks and presentations to raise awareness of the needs of the street and working children in Madurai, the work of Vidiyal and the Children’s Rights issues that are central to the Vidiyal campaign. For this we use information received directly from Jim Jesudoss, as well as speaking from our own experiences following visits.
We send representatives to visit the Vidiyal Projects so that we can liaise more closely and show our support. Trustees and supporters visiting Madurai pay their own travel expenses.
Our UK administration costs are minimal as most of the work is undertaken by the Trustees. We can assure supporters that every penny they give is used for the benefit of the children in Madurai.
We produce newsletters to keep everybody up to date with what is happening and to distribute reports we receive from Vidiyal.