01.07.2024 To 10.07.2024 – Handing over responsibilities to the new Office Bearers
06.07.2024 – Executive Committee Meeting
07.07.2024 – Children’s Council Meeting
13.07.2024 – A Day in Bus Library – Melavasal 2
14.07.2024 – Service Programme
17.07.2024 – Understanding Children Movement – Part I – Executive Committee Meeting
21.07.2024 – Ripple Circle – Social Action Forum
21.07.2024 – Image Media Club
19.07.2024 – Meeting with Centres in – Charge
21.07.2024 – Monthly Meeting
28.07.2024 – Welcome Party & Election

Daily Archives : March 9, 2015


Child Policy

Download Child policy

Comments Off / 551 View / March 9, 2015


Brochure for Donations

Download Brochure for Donation

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Research Studies Being an organization committed for the cause of children, Vidiyal has been conducting research studies on specific topics based on the need. Interns are provided with the opportunity to undertake short term research studies with the support of…

Comments Off / 73 View / March 9, 2015

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Posh Policy

Download PoSH Policy

Comments Off / 139 View / March 9, 2015